Sunday, August 23, 2009

What's this WWEE thing?

We have to admit it - WE LOVE ELLEN!! We think she's incredibly cool, funny, generous, interesting and savvy. Did we mention that we love her?! She's just so darn loveable!

Anyway, we think FunnySpoon is right up her ally. The FunnySpoon no-nonsense, no-pretense approach to cooking seems very "Ellen" and we think it would really appeal to her audience. So we're on a mission to get her familiar with our website, our cooking style and our brand.

To help us acomplish this we've embarked on a little experiment. We've learned that Ellen eats a vegan diet so we're going vegan for a week. We're calling it the "What Would Ellen Eat" Challenge. I was a vegetarian for many years, but now incorporate fish into my diet. It's not a huge stretch for me (although I'm sure I'm going to miss all my dairy products!!). However, Vicki is a meat-loving, cheese-loving, bacon-loving carnivore. This is going to be one difficult challenge for her!

The cool things about this challenge:
  1. We are challenging ourselves to eat a healthy diet for a week. Vegan diets are known to be low in fat, low in cholesterol and high in fiber.
  2. We're creating a ton of healthy, fun recipes for FunnySpoon.
  3. We hope Ellen (and Portia) will try at least a few of the recipes we're developing for them.
So, about 20 times a day over the next week we'll be saying to ourselves "WWEE!" or "What Would Ellen Eat?" every time we open the fridge, look in the pantry, try to figure out how to skip the yummy, delicious butter and every time we hear our tummy grumble for cheese!
You want to join us in the challenge? We'll chronicle our ups and downs on this blog, share our recipes and our hints for how to incorporate some vegan meals into your diet. Vegan may not be the answer for your (or for us) forever, but it's always good to try new things, right? Right! Say it with me. WWEE!!

1 comment:

  1. While I wholeheartedly support anyone's attempts to go vegan, I'm worried that you've missed a significant point here in explaining why _you_ tried a vegan diet: Why is Ellen vegan? Ellen was kind enough to post about this explicitly: . While some people choose a vegan diet for health reasons, it's clear that Ellen has made this choice on ethical grounds. Without buying into this ethical commitment yourselves, it seems unlikely that you'll be able to answer WWEE with any real conviction or certainty.

    Also, Ellen probably has a personal chef, which regular folks don't ;)
