Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Say [Vegan] Cheese!

Some people don't care one way or another about cheese. I am not some people. Meat was way easier for me to give up than cheese, so in going vegan for a week, I learned all about substitutions. Here's the down-low on vegan cheese options:

Brands of Vegan Cheese: You can try Tofutti or Galaxy Nutritional Foods (which is a whole line of vegan foods). Need more? Here you can find more vegan cheese brands.

Where Can You Find It In The Store?Vegan cheese is generally found in the produce area of the store (near the tofu and other vegan products). Finding at least one brand in any store shouldn’t be too difficult since stores becoming more eco/vegetarian-friendly. They may not have a huge selection, but it's most likely available. Any health food store would have products like this as well.

More Info: Get more info on vegan cheese and its nutritional benefits.

Bon appetit!

1 comment:

  1. oh gosh! that site is old! (last updated in 2003.)

    now there is follow your heart's vegan gourmet, daiya, teese, cheesly, sheese, and more.

    (just make sure to watch out for casein which is a milk protein.)
